Thursday, 1 September 2011

Hey some of you know, some of you do not!!! So if you have not figured it out yet we are pregnant with number 3.
We were Due on the 13th of March but it seen like our Dates have changed so Due date is now 19th March. That right a week before Elijah Birthday - that's going to be fun:)

So the last 2 months or so been a bit scary, so today feels like the first day this it really happening :)

He was been real wiggly baby, doing summersaults. so i think he is going to have a ball when he meets Chloe and Elijah.


Marlies Clemens said...

Once again Congratulations!

Im glad that "He" is doing well. - a boy? I can't wait to meet #3
Hopefully you feel better soon and are able to keep your food down.

love you guys

-Clemens fam

oma said...

I think on photo 1 he/she looks like you, Gloria and on the second photo he/she looks like Erik. I guess I have to wait for March to know for sure. Love the photo's though.

Love oma