Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Everyone is asking how Chloe is coping; well she thinks that
Elijah is a doll, which she just wants to play with. But she is
learning to be a bit more gentle. Chloe has gone from trying
to hit Elijah, to kissing him. Now every time she hears him
cry on the baby monitor, she runs to his bedroom door.
Chloe can just see and reach over the bassinet so she likes
to help tuck him in and watch him sleep so cute.....
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oma said...

Sisterly love, eh? Chloe looks very sweet on the photo with Elijah, and so does Elijah.
Though she might hit him again before he turns 18!!!!lol

love oma

Marlies Clemens said...

LOL very true!

Anonymous said...

wat a cuty