Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Everyone is asking how Chloe is coping; well she thinks that
Elijah is a doll, which she just wants to play with. But she is
learning to be a bit more gentle. Chloe has gone from trying
to hit Elijah, to kissing him. Now every time she hears him
cry on the baby monitor, she runs to his bedroom door.
Chloe can just see and reach over the bassinet so she likes
to help tuck him in and watch him sleep so cute.....
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Elijah Antoine van der Gaag

For those that do not know yet our beautiful baby boy
Elijah Antoine van der Gaag has finally arrived into the world :)

He was born on the 28th of March at 9:35 am weighing in at 8lbs 5oz

It all started on Friday morning at 2am with lot of contraction
pain for the whole day, so the midwife asked to come over to
Hamilton and meet her at the birth centre at 2 pm when the
contractions had got lots closer. So we got the car all pack up
and dropped Chloe off with aunty Jess and went to the birth
centre.But that is where it gets interesting, and very frustrating!!!
By the time we had got to the birth centre the contraction had
slowed down L and baby was not ready to come out, so had to
wait some more time and do lots of walking to bring on labour.

So throughout the whole day and night, every time I walked
around the contractions would slow down, but every time I
sat down the contraction got stronger.So we stayed at jess
the night and finally on Saturday morning it was time to head
back to the birth centre, but by the time we got there is all
slowed down again ........ come on baby !!!!!!

But they were able to break my waters so finally it all started
progressing very fast, so into the water. But the midwife was
getting very concerned as baby’s heart rate was going down
with every contraction, so we had to hop out of the water just
in case we had to go to the hospital. But as soon as I hopped out,
that baby boy was is in a hurry, and he was coming out so was
not going to make it back to the bed. So back into the water and
10 min later the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen arrived.

And he was all ok happy and healthy....Funny thing when I
was getting sorted out, Erik was holding Elijah on his chest,
and he tried to feed off Erik lol .....
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Elijah Antoine van der Gaag


This was Chloe at Jess home waiting to see your new brother


Still waiting

and more waiting .......... is he still coming ?????
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Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Cambridge park

Still no baby bother to play with . . . . . . .

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Monday, 23 March 2009

Messy Chloe

Chloe can feed herself with a fork or spoon when she wants to

but using you hands is more fun lol :)
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No pants chloe

Chloe is doing really great , getting very fast
running everywhere,

chloe has a thing at the moment of taking off
her pants all the time ...hmmmmmm

loving day care, making lots of new friends

chloe is now sleeping in a big girl bed, but chloe
has decided to fade out her day sleeps

chloe is slowly picking up some new words
eg : Mine ,No
So all is well, just waiting for her brother to come
so she has someone else to play with heheheh
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Still pregnant

Only 3 day's to my due date :)

Every think is going well part from a constant back ache.
And my midwife lift to England 2 days a go ....... :(

But baby boy is doing great and moving lots
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Sunday, 8 March 2009

Brushing Teeth

Chloe Love's to brush her teeth

3 more weeks to go until Chloe gets to meet her brother

Chloe getting ready for her first night in a bed.
she took about 45 min but then sleept most of the way though
the night.

On night 2, Chloe when right to sleep and was happy to sleep
in a bed.
but was up all night vomiting ..... little better today but still not
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Sunday, 1 March 2009

baby boy

So only 4 weeks to go, and baby boy is growing
well. with a great heart beat.
Finally put on some weight so the midwife is
now happy.

Having lots back pain so counting down now .....
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ON the go

Chloe is doing very well, getting very fast and into everything
so not much new there heheheheh

Chloe is loving daycare, so much that she does not want to leave
when getting picked up. Chloe loves the sand pit and the ride on cars.

Chloe speech is coming along, she is making lots of new sounds.
she can say nana (banana), more, gone, mama, dad,
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