Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Baby boy

As you can see baby boy is growning very well...
he has a great heart beat and everything is normal.

Moving lot, mostly at night time, only 7 weeks to go now.
It is getting very hot here and been dizzy a lot, been very sleepy
all the time with sore legs and back. so can't wait until it is all over.

Trying to come up with some names at the moment, trying to get kiwi one
and a Dutch one. but we have no ideas and coming up with one that we
both like is very hard so if you have any ideas please please HELP!!!!
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Anonymous said...

I know that photo, I took it.
You look great, and it was a lovely day at the Mount.
Love, Miriam

Marlies said...

I will try and brain storm a few names for you, its the hardest part, the naming. But as always it is up to the parents to pick.