Tuesday, 28 October 2008

mid wife check up

as you can see not much new with chloe
she is just a very happy little cute:)

and love to be as Loud as she can lol

At this stage every think is going well baby has a
really great hart bet 155, and i can feel baby move
now so that's very cool.
it's all starting tofeel real now :)

having some bad back pain so if that dies not get
any better i will have to go to the hosptial for physio

so we go for the next scan in only 2 more day chloe so
can't wait heheheheh
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cutie all right.
What a lovely photos.
We're looking forward to see her in real life again.
Thank you for the baby update.
Erik, you should give Gloria a back message!!!!

Lots of love Miriam