Thursday, 8 May 2008


So Chloe started day care this week, it is going OK.
the first day I stayed with her , day two she was there
by herself for 2 hours.

The Ladies could not get her to sleep and there were some tears
so they distracted with a toy.

as soon as I walked in, Chloe started to cry right away.....:(
this day care thing is a lot harder than I thought it would be for
me and Chloe.
Try again next week see how we go.

And as far as the cup is going, Chloe is not doing that bad.
she is taking the cup so that's great.
chloe is not drinking a lot from it as she is
still getting used to it.

Chloe newest trick : clapping her hands it is sooooo cool cute :)

Plunket vist to:
Good steady weight gain today's Weight was 8.06 kg so chloe has
put on over 1/2 a kg
so that is great
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