Wednesday, 16 January 2008


There you go Kate you are not the only one
with a bad hair day

Chloe is doing mostly well, still not eating as much
as she should be.
not that keen on food but we are getting there, so her
weight gain has slowed down a bit still in the good
zone but have to get her to get a bit more .....
any tips are welcome!!!!!

weight is 7.19 kg she has put on 0.27 so not much
length is 69.5 so she has grown 1.9cm
head circumference is now 41.3

Very healthy and happy !!! :)

Ans still no teeth but lots of dribble , that is another reason
that she may not be keen on food that what pluket said.

next visit at one year

well, we are off to go camping for 9 days, so every one have a
great january and see you all soon

Proverbs 16:1-4
we humans make plans, but
the Lord has the final word.
We may think we know what
is right but the Lord is the judge
of our motives. Share your plans
with the Lord, and you will succeed.
The Lord has a reason for every
Think he does,

Proverbs 24:11
the right word at the right
Time is like precious gold
or silver.

incages some one this week!!!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok you have to check the side thing one more time cause it is still incorrect.
It is great to hear that she is doing so well, sorry I have no tips as yet cause I have not gone through that stage yet with Kate.
And what is Kate meant to do about bad hair days, I have never seen her with a good hair day...
have a great trip and send my love to the Zegwards, I wish that I was going with you - maybe next year...
love you guys