Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Happy little miss chloe

This is Chloe trying to run away lol, any time the door
opens, Chloe crawls as fast as she can to see how far she can get

The other day Chloe had her check up at the hospital,
it we good, the have put her on the waiting list to see a
speech therapist but that can take up to 6 mt

but Chloe starts day care in February one day a week so that
might help with her speech being around the kids ....

Chloe walking is slowly getting there , she can now take 7 steps
when she wants to., but she is on her feet most of the day part from
when she need to get some where else around the home then it's back
to the knees

Chloe trying to play on the p.c

Chloe is now 10 kg, length 79.5 cm, so doing well
she goes for another check up in 6 months.

And Chloe all so has some more teeth coming up

So counting down to Christmas only 9 days to go.
Chloe is counting down until she gets to see oma and opa
and Great opa hehehehhe :)
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Tuesday, 2 December 2008


Chloe has really got in to her book lately
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More Photos

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So Chloe when to the hospital the other day for her hearing
check up and passed with flying colours

But Chloe gos back in 2 week for her progress check up.

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Friday, 28 November 2008

Ch- chloe

Hi sorry for the delay
Chloe is doing really will, Chloe can now take about 6 steps between Erik and I.
and is standing up all by herself .
Our Cramer is not going will at the moment but photo are coming !!!!

And baby boy is also doing very well, growning and moving as he should be, but giving me a lot of back pain so I have been referred to the hospital.
We are over ½ way there now 23 weeks

Thursday, 6 November 2008


In the last week chloe has started to stand by her self soooooooooo cool :)
but as you see in the video, she is not that keen on it;)
but getting better every day!!!

so she might be walking by the time Oma and Opa come to see her heheheheh

Friday, 31 October 2008

baby scan 2

Baby is doing really well, every thing is normal with 10 finger and 10 toes.
in the scan baby did not want to move much so it took a while to see everything!!!

the video was over 45 min long but dont worry we cut a lot out so you will not get bored!!!! 
and the sex is   . . . . . . heheheh now that would be to easy might have a little fun with that newes for a while lol 

Chloe was a bit more happier this time , and pointed at the tv screen while watching  her baby ...? 

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

congratulations !!!

congratulations to the beautiful new couple
MR AND MRS Deverson

May it bejust the beginningof a life time of
dreams coming true

Congratulations love you guys
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mid wife check up

as you can see not much new with chloe
she is just a very happy little cute:)

and love to be as Loud as she can lol

At this stage every think is going well baby has a
really great hart bet 155, and i can feel baby move
now so that's very cool.
it's all starting tofeel real now :)

having some bad back pain so if that dies not get
any better i will have to go to the hosptial for physio

so we go for the next scan in only 2 more day chloe so
can't wait heheheheh
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Thursday, 23 October 2008

Monday, 20 October 2008


That is right, boy or girl? Only 11 or days until we found
out..... And so can’t wait.So if you want to have a little fun
with us and take a guess on what baby is going to be and
also the date baby will be born then go for it J:)

Little baby on the way,
Getting bigger every day,
Kicking mommy here and there,
God please listen to our prayer.

Keep our baby safe and strong,
Let his time with us be long,
Help us teach him right from wrong,
And we shall praise you all day long.

This little one, though not yet here,
Is loved so much, has grown quite dear.
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Monday, 13 October 2008

Mount maunganui

chloe is doing really will , she now has 5 five
teeth .
not walking yet but she is getting more confident
on her feet and can stand for about 5 sec

chloe weight has got better so she is now on cow's
milk..... and really love's it :)

been trying to tack her to the pool when ever we can..
she is a real water baby like her mum
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Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Thursday, 11 September 2008


So for those that do not know yet Chloe has a baby sister or brother on the way.
Due on March 26th 2009
Looking very happy and healthy, and moving a lot
Chloe does not know what is going on but cried the whole way though the scan

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Tuesday, 9 September 2008


Chloe really dies not like her hair done up

The country is so much fun at the moment with so much
new life

Chloe is doing great , having lot of fun getting in to every think

Walking along every think, so not walking yet
she tyred to stand up by her self the other day

Chloe has now cut down to one sleep a day , but some time like
an extra sleep
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Thursday, 4 September 2008

Random photos

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Random photos

Chloe now has 3 teeth cool . . . . more to eat with heheheh

They are sooooooooo cute

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Random photos

As you can see chloe hair keep growning and growning

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Tuesday, 5 August 2008


Don't you just love this face i just had to put it on the blog

there are baby goat around home a the moment sooooo

Chloe got a big kiss from a goat today
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