Wednesday, 5 December 2007

7 months

Chloe is now 7 months old.
we went for the plunket check-up today.

Chloe is getting up once at night for a feed now
so thats very good,

weight: 6.92 so she has put on 0.54 kg so that
is good for her age ,but need to get a bit more
solids into her.

we went to the family centre and they said that
she is drinking to much milk, that is why she is not into
soilds that much, so we have to cut back on milk feed.
chloe is not liking this.
but we found out she loves bananas, so that cool:)

Chloes length is now : 67.6cm so she has grown
2.1cm so all very good
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is great to hear how well she has growen, she is turning into a big girl!
And not long now til christmas, even we are thinking of getting a tree this year - just dont tell Opa...