Chloe is Already learning to spend money lol
Chloe leert reeds om geld te besteden lol:)
Chloe is doing really well, Chloe is now
going to bed at 10pm now thats so cool.
Been going for lots of walks around the river
Chloe is now making little baby sounds so cool...
Only less than 2 weeks in to we move house,
Chloe can’t wait to see her new room.
Chloe doet werkelijk goed, nu gaat Chloe nu bij
zo grote 10pm naar bed. Maakt gaan voor veel
gangen rond de rivier Chloe nu weinig baby klinkt
zo koel… Slechts minder hen 2 weken aan bewegen
wij binnen huis, kan Chloe niet wachten om u te zien nieuwe ruimte
This in Chloe in her first dress
Chloe in haar eerste kleding
wat knap van Chloe dat ze al zo goed nederlands spreekt.
leuk als we komen
oma en opa
yeah what is with the dutch?
Did you get it out of a tranlsation book - it is very funny to read.
and I can't see the pictures, something went wrong I think.
Yes, I can see the Dutch text isn't very accurate :) Gloria used an automattic translation thingy.
The pictures have gone wrong. I can't seem to upload anything properly. I'll try to get them up tomorrow.
Ok I see the pictures now she is very cute in a dress, I would love to come and just hold her...
We thought that she used a translation thing - it is just very funny in dutch - no bigie keep doing it though you might get more comments about it.
And it is good for a laugh - It has nothing to do with Gloria it is just the translation thing takes every word for word.
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