Wednesday, 25 April 2012


 So Jonas has seen the minwife again today :)

Jonas is sleeping and feeding well.
Jonas has put on 370g in one week so that very good :) He now weighs 4.08kg or 91lb  Length 59 cm

So he is looking a bit bigger now
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Monday, 23 April 2012


Posted by PicasaJonas put on 250g last week, only now had some time to update the blog :)
Sleeping feeding and happy little Jonas .

Fun at the Park

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Tuesday, 10 April 2012


 Seen the with midwife yesterday : )
Jonas has only put on 60g but should of put on more like 150g so have to keep waking him up to make sure he is feed a bit more.

And also has got a red rash all over so got some cream for that, hope that go away soon.

Elijah is doing really well with having a new brother, very helpfull:)

As for chloe love having jonas around but she been testing her dad to the max!!! So hope she carm down soon:)

maybe she has oldest Child syndrome LOL !!


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Monday, 9 April 2012

Friday, 6 April 2012

Jonas had a midwife visit on 2nd and at the point he lose 120Gms. but on the 4th he had put on 30gm so that's good.
Jonas is sleep a bit better at night now, so getting some sleep that better then not at all so very happy :)

Chloe and Elijah are love having Jonas around, and they love helping to bath him lot's of fun !!!

Oh, and he wasn't 58cm long, which would have put him at 1cm over the 99.6 percentile, but a more modest 54cm, which is still above average :)

Jonas first week

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