Friday, 27 January 2012

7 weeks 2 days to go ... not that i am counting down lol
Seen the Midwife today :)
And it sounds like baby boy has turned around
He's about 35 cm long now and kicking lot's

He's bag is pack and bed all made up so I think we are just about ready for him

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Elijah troublemaker thing of the day :

Elijah and I when for a swim this morning so that make's him sleepy. Bring on after noon nap for Elijah sweet!!!
So he's been a great little boy today :) very happy

Monday, 23 January 2012

Elijah troublemaker thing of the day :

Today some thing new : toothpaste on the bathroom wall hmmmmmmm .... when will he lean???

Friday, 20 January 2012

We are starting a band who in?

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Elijah troublemaker thing of the day :

Milk on the kitchen floor , and broke a dish
this boy is so fast !!!!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Elijah troublemaker thing of the day :

Getting the rest of the milk and poring it out, out side Fun!!!

Tune back tomorrow :)

This is worth a watch

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

I just had to add this photo, I really like it:)

In this photo she is like saying .... I am to cool for photo now mum!!!
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Monday, 9 January 2012

We are now 30 weeks pregnant, So only 10 weeks to go :)

Baby boy is still  Breech with he feet down. At his point that not to bad but the look on my mid wife face she is getting a little worry. So if it is still breech in 7 week we might need a Cesarean but i am hopping it will not come to that !!!

But part from that he is moving all the time and a lot a night time lol!!