Monday, 28 June 2010


Chloe when to plunket today.
they are very happy with how she is doing :)

she is now weighing: 13.40 kgs and length 95.5cm
she a talk kiwi lol heheheh

speech has improved a lot,
she went for her eye test but has to go again in 6mt

Chloe eating is getting better , but Chloe has got to that fussy 3 year old stage

And still working on the toilet training , she is doing number 1's but still working on number 2's

so to sum thing up: Chloe is a very happy cheeky little money that is very very fast, and Love's to make Elijah laugh
The first thing she like to do when she get home from school is play with Elijah :)
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Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Bath time

Baby boy

A very big congratulations to my very good friend Susan and new dad Justin.
Their beautiful baby boy finally greeted them at 4pm Sunday afternoon, weighing in at a big 8.7 pounds.
After a very long and intensive labour, 40 hours with constant contractions, you did an awesome job.
It was all worth it in the end with his 10 fingers and his 10 cute toes, his cute button nose and his beautiful blue eyes.
He definitely come straight from heaven with his lovely new baby smell ......
Congratulations Susan and Justin
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Thursday, 10 June 2010

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

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Moneky in a tree

But Elijah did not like sitting in the tree :(
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