Thursday, 5 February 2009

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Baby boy

As you can see baby boy is growning very well...
he has a great heart beat and everything is normal.

Moving lot, mostly at night time, only 7 weeks to go now.
It is getting very hot here and been dizzy a lot, been very sleepy
all the time with sore legs and back. so can't wait until it is all over.

Trying to come up with some names at the moment, trying to get kiwi one
and a Dutch one. but we have no ideas and coming up with one that we
both like is very hard so if you have any ideas please please HELP!!!!
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Today was Chloe's first day at day care

She loved playing with all the new toys and little
cars so much that she was to busy to give mum
a hug good bye.

It was so cute to see all the little kids and baby
sit up in the high chairs and have their morning tea.

Chloe is in the under 2 group at the moment but in 3
months when she turns 2, she be in the over 2 group.
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