Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

on the move

in this photo chloe went to town with two shoes
and two socks, and came home with only one shoe
and one sock .
she really does not like to wear socks and shoes!!
a real kiwi just like her mum !!

chloe is now saying some more sounds like:
mum, dad, ba ba , i have heard her say oma about 5 times
now and its not just me, a lady in church heard her say it as well!!

we think that chloe might be teething at the moment
so she is getting up about once a night, so not that bad.

Chloe has been going swiming again and loves it :)

Lord, throughout this day, As I try to follow You, Let this
be my rule to live by: What would Jesus Do?
When a friend or loved one Asks me for a moment or two,
May I think of one thing only: What Would Jesus Do?
In all my dealings, help me To be honest, fair and true, To
measure each decision by: What Would Jesus Do?
When I'm feeling troubled And I turn in prayer to You,
Give me wisdom to decide: What Would Jesus Do?
And let me promise each new dayTo live my whole life
through, In love and peace, remembering"
What Would Jesus Do?

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Monday, 4 February 2008

Oma and chloe

this is a photo i found to day, i think its really

So last thursday we when to the Nurologist:
it went really well, the twitching hands have gone
away so thats GREAT!!! so thank you every one
so much for your prayers.

Everything else is normal. the Dr can not figure it out why it
happened in the first place.
Chloe is a very healthy and very happy baby.
but we have an appointment in 3 months just to make sure.
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Saturday, 2 February 2008

Friday, 1 February 2008

big smiles

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word of the week: seen the wine
want some wine

were is the wine glass, neeeeeeeeeeed the wine lol!!

Chloe after diner , chloe is now
eating really well she got some tips
off Levi LOL!!
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dickey flat

Karsten foot LOL!!!
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Chloe baby

Isn't she such a cutie!!!
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