Tuesday, 26 June 2007

All in pink

Chloe had another visit from Plunket the other day.

Chloe now weighs 4.36 kg and her head circumference is now 39cm

Chloe is sleeping really well after 12pm until about 7:30 am, so that been great.

Getting her to sleep throught the day is going great, but getting her to sleep between 5pm and 12am is not going so well, but that will soon get better hopefully :)

Monday, 25 June 2007


Hi everyone,

Just a note to say that anyone viewing this blog can make a comment on any of the posts made here. At the bottom of each post there is a comments link.

Please feel free to leave comments, they are nice to read :)

Saturday, 23 June 2007

First Smiles

Here is some of Chloe's first smiles that we managed to get on camera. No giggling yet, but that should come soon :)

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

A Proud Daddy

Chloe had her first visit from plunket
yesterday. Everything is going well.

Chloe is now 4kg, so thats 1kg weight gain!

The last 4 nights, Chloe has been sleeping
about 6-7 hours from about 12pm when
we finally get her to sleep.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Going back in time...

Here is some video of one of Chloe's Scans.

Friday, 8 June 2007

A visit to a 'Cousin'

Here is a photo and video of Chloe's visit to her cousin Levi.

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Monday, 4 June 2007

Chloe's First Bath

Here is a video of Chloe's first bath she had on her second day.

Chloe's Visitors

Here is some video of some of the visitors that came an visited at the Birthing Clinic on her second day.

Who needs a dummy....

When a plain old tongue will do? :)